
By Anonymous - 12/05/2009 18:29 - United States

Today, my boss in my police department told me to start enforcing the "No bikes on sidewalks" law, which we usually ignore. I pulled up behind the first person I saw riding a bike on a sidewalk and flashed my lights. It turned out to be a boy with Down's syndrome, who was so upset he cried and peed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 591
You deserved it 14 603

Same thing different taste

Top comments

P1MP1N 0

wow, that really sucks. its not your fault at all, how were you to know that the kid had down syndrome? You were just doing your job. Don't worry about it man

You shouldn't feel bad about enforcing the law, and you should definitely tell your boss what happened.


#183 Your right the seat belt law is the biggest bullshit law ever. Because its amazing cops have to pull people over because idiots don't wear their seat belts. Theres no reason not to wear a seat belt. With J walking how bout dont be lazy and actually walk to the crosswalk like everyone else does. Same with a helmet I know here at like 17 its not mandatory but once again there shouldnt be a law to tell you to do something that you should obviously should do. Thats like having a law making it illegal to shoot yourself. You should just know that its extremely dumb to do. The only one I actually agree with on your list is the tint. As long as you act appropriately when you get pulled over you should not have a problem. At night if your windows are tinted roll down your windows turn on the overhead light and put your hands either out the window or on the steering wheel. I do this all the time and have never even had my tint mentioned to me.

Bikes are the most annoying things ever. They're a complete danger on the sidewalk because you can't hear a biker coming up behind you and its so easy to get hit. Bikes would be fine if they would follow traffic laws, but it's annoying as hell to pass a bike and then have him pass you at the next red light. Drivers would be much more courteous to bikes if they followed the same traffic rules as all other vehicles. btw, I think kids under 13 or something are allowed to ride on the sidewalk.

aww!!! that's so sad! but A) what the **** is wrong with biking on the sidewalk? and B) it's not like he had a bit neon sign above his head or on the back of his helmet (assuming he was wearing one) that said "I HAVE DOWN SYNDROME! DON'T PULL ME OVER FOR BIKING ON THE SIDEWALK"

164: The United States is becoming a Communist, Military State? Really? Do people just not understand how laws work or are they just retarded? Because god forbid you get a ticket for something you know you shouldn't be doing. "**** the police, all I was doing was driving while drinking my beer!" "Those ******* pigs took my license for going through a red light for the fifth time, **** them!" And if you do not live in the US, how do you have any idea how things are over here? Let me guess, you watch the news and read some newspapers? Because those are totally reliable when it comes to the real truth. My dad is an EMT and constantly gets calls out for people not obeying simple laws such as seatbelt and helmet laws and getting seriously hurt, and he has definitely taken more people to the hospital from bike accidents on the sidewalk than on the road in my town. I mean, the U.S. should totally disband all police forces nation wide because that will end crime and corruption and make this a totally free country. Anarchy is closer to Communism than Capitalism, dumb shit. Since people still own private property, go to supermarkets, and work for profit based on individual ability I am fairly certain we are Capitalist. Next time you get mugged, raped, beaten, or stolen from try solving the problem your self since you think the police are so corrupted.

Wow, so most of the people here are the morons who drive and yell at bikers thinking that they belong on the side walk, when it's AGAINST THE LAW for bikes to be on the sidewalk. If you have a problem with the law, take it up with your legislators and your courts. The abundance of ignorance is staggering.

nushadow 0

I seriously don't see how bikers pose any threat unless they are going really fast on the sidewalk.

waxstigmata 0

138- **** you moron! when you get in trouble, if someone breaks into your house and hurts your family, i'm pretty sure you wont be thinking that trash!

192 - but seriously, bikers tend not to move at walking speed on the sidewalk. Otherwise, they'd just walk lol. And biking through crowds and running over feet, while not life-threatening, is completely unacceptable.

Why is it this guy's fault for doing his job? It's a JOB, you do it or you get fired, just like anything else. And has nobody ever heard of a bike lane? I'm sure there is one, or else this law wouldn't make any sense.