Le epic bacon

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, for my birthday, instead of a cake, my friends surprised me with a castle mainly made out of bacon. I don't want to seem ungrateful, but I fucking hate bacon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 256
You deserved it 50 714

Top comments

Bacon strips, and bacon strips, and bacon strips... Next generation bacon flip! You can thank epic mealtime for your castle of delicious bacon.!

I would eat rocks if it were wrapped in bacon.


bitchin94 2

What the **** is wrong with you?

ThatLooksSticky 16

Living in a castle made of bacon sounds like a dream come true. The castle wouldn't last long, but the memories would remain forever.

I know how you feel - I hate bacon too.

unlucky90 4
alabamajoe77 3
ThisRandomChild 0

Oh, not to worry, you dont sound ungrateful at all, lol -.-

Egnar 19

Assuming you're not a vegetarian, something all your friends should probably be aware of you need to understand the epitome of food for 99.987(repeating) meat eaters is bacon. While you may hate it understand that your friends were trying to give you the greatest of compliments by giving you the bacon and not taking it for themselves. . . .Or they knew you hated bacon and wanted an excuse to make themselves a treat.

Yankeefan31 0

How can you hate bacon? You son of a bitch!

BellaMarta 19


I ate too much of it when I was younger so I don't like it anymore.