Liar, liar

By skanula414 - 31/12/2014 19:00 - Sweden - Malm?

Today, I found out my 7-year-old daughter really did lie about my husband's "other girlfriend" as revenge for being grounded, and that he never cheated on me at all. We're well into our divorce proceedings and he won't forgive me for not believing him when he denied it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 433
You deserved it 49 752

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Guess if she is like this at 7, I wonder what she's going to be like at 14

1PersonIsMyWorld 22


What is a marriage if there is no trust? Not a very good one I'll tell you that right now

You are raising a monster, a lying little brat

I think the mom was so ready to believe the daughter because she believed the daughter didn't understand the implications of what she was saying. She wouldn't think that the daughter was lying if she believed that the daughter had no idea of the consequences of her words.

You should never trust anyone until they prove they're trust worthy.

Children don't usually lie about that kind of stuff, if kids see their parents with someone else they usually say stuff like " the woman daddy came home with was really nice" and so on

You people are so ignorant, if someone has been cheated on in a previous relationship, their trust withers away. Every time they see something suspicious theyll think their spouse is cheating, I've been through it and you try so hard not to believe it, I did with one of my boyfriends and someone told me they saw my boyfriend with another girl, and I didn't believe them. A year later I found out it was true, and he sat there and watched me fight with my friends to defend him while he was guilty and he never said a word. I shouldve believed them and if someone told me now that they saw my boyfriend cheating I'd believe them until they could prove it was never true.

Flutter_Lily 6

You know, kids can be telling the truth about these things. Why would you think a child would lie about something so serious? I'm not saying the kid isn't at fault. She's a little ****. I wouldn't even imagine how to discipline something like this. I guess it's just another reason not to have kids.

I wouldn't forgive you either. Idiot.

why would you EVER take the word of a child over that of an adult?