Life hacks for kids

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my daughter learned that if she rips a toy out of its package in front of a store employee, mommy will be forced to buy it. She now has two new toys today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 477
You deserved it 11 660

Top comments

And today you need to learn how to discipline your child.

Just pay and leave the toys in the shop. Also punish her for being a brat.


I agree with the general consensus here; the little girl should not be allowed to keep the toys and should probably have some of the ones that she already has at home taken away. It won't kill her, and she can't possibly be too young to learn. When I was two years old, my mother asked me to pick up my toys because I had left them on the floor. I didn't. She asked me every day to pick them up, and I never did. My mother threw away all of the toys that I had left on the floor, although her parents thought she was crazy for doing that to a two-year-old. But I never left the nursery floor a mess again and picked up my toys when she asked me.

your kid is a brat!! show some discipline.

ironically stores will take returns of items with damaged packaging without asking why. if they ask you can say "it was a surprise and she didnt like it" also give two of her toys away because "she took toys from someone else so as punishment she has to give two toys to someone else"

Chasted 0

Bah, I go with making her sit and watch as you throw the toys in the trash (And/or burning them). Add in a few other punishments

hc1019 0

I wanna know how that kid got her paws on not one but two toys? First of all, discipline the kid, and second of all, after the first toy why on earth would you put her close enough to reach another?

yuck101 0

parenting fail. don't give the kid the toys. donate them to someone else or just throw them away.

FYL? I think not. Don't give it to the kid and punish them for destroying it. Problem solved. Use the toy as a gift or sell it at a yard sale. Or donate it.

alex_aj33 0

Have you ever heard of putting your kid in the shoping cart?