Life hacks for kids

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my daughter learned that if she rips a toy out of its package in front of a store employee, mommy will be forced to buy it. She now has two new toys today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 477
You deserved it 11 660

Top comments

And today you need to learn how to discipline your child.

Just pay and leave the toys in the shop. Also punish her for being a brat.


_sourpatchkid 0

that's great. and tomorrow she can learn the lesson that if she tears a package open in front of an employee, mommy will buy it and she still won't get the toy. That will stop the behaviour. I can't imagine why you would give her the toy after she did that. I worry for future generations.

No responsible mom would ever let her child have those toys after getting them that way.

I've worked lots of retail jobs in my life, and not one has ever had the "you break it you buy it" rule. I have never in my years of working retail been told to make a customer pay for something just b/c they accidentally opened or broke it. And I have worked LOTS of retail stores before.

Why the hell did you let her keep them?

YDI you idiot! You don't give her the toy, and you punish her, problem solved! Idiot.

"Today, my daughter learned that if she rips a toy out of its package in front of a store employee, mommy will beat her ass to pieces. She now has thick bruise marks on her back. **** her life." That's what the FML should have read. As #1 said, learn to discipline your daughter.

IMB916 0

Well dont give the brat the toys!!! Give them away. And another one of her toys, as punishment.

letting her keep the toys is rewarding her for bad behavior.

rachelwhaatt 0

I don't think that's an FML. I just think your daughter doesn't know that it's wrong. just talk to her. It's not that bad. Still a bit bad - but cute. :)

b1a2n3a4n5a6s 0

How on earth is that cute? The sight of a child ripping open stuff that -doesn't belong to them- isn't cute, it's irritating.

everything I need to say has been said already... more then 100 times but I will say this because it is fun PARENTING FAIL