Living for the weekend

By ouch - 11/12/2009 07:50 - United Kingdom

Today, I was preparing for a huge party I've been looking forward to for months. I did all the usual things a girl should do, put on a facemask, painted my nails, exfoliated… I was feeling confident until I peeled off the facemask. I guess when it said "vibrant" what it meant was bright red. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 235
You deserved it 8 501

Same thing different taste

Top comments

baf_fml 0

You don't have to do that shit to get ready for a party. If you're hot you're hot, if you're not you're not. This stuff isn't going to help you in that realm.

Just pretend to be really embarrased all night.....


Ok. Your problem is that you NEVER EXFOLIATE AND MASK AT THE SAME TIME. All you're doing is stripping your skin and then stripping it again. If you didn't exfoliate your face and the mask made it red that means your skin was dried out to begin with and you just dried it out more. Seriously. Just wash your face and put on some lotion. Don't try so hard. YDI

I never knew I SHOULD put on a mask before a party. I guess I've been out of the loop for 25 years.

gigi2009 0

seriously. a face mask?! who does that??

idk what's sadder that I knew what vibrant ment right of the bat or that she didn't. i'm a guy

Women in England put so much effort on their make up and dress, especially when they go out.. Like the natural one, like in the Netherlands ;)

AntiChrist7 0

We don't look at your face girls

glasswater 0

Wtf is a "vibrant" face mask? And why would you put an unknown product on your face before a big night out? That is a no no.

Cunt_Fucker 0

A mask wont help if you're ugly

You might have had an allergic reaction to the alcohol in the facemask. You should check that out.