Make it stop

By SnuggieOverload - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I finally found out that someone had stolen my debit card and maxed it out. The good news? Whoever it was forgot to change the address on the card, so everything they bought online has been shipped to me. The bad news? I've received 16 snuggies so far, and I'm still counting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 308
You deserved it 3 793

Same thing different taste

Not a morning person at the best of times

By shouldhavestayedinbed - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, my doorbell rang while I was still in bed. I leapt out and immediately got a severe cramp in one leg, then, staggering around trying to throw some clothes on, I scraped the other leg badly enough to draw blood. When I got to the door there was nobody there, just a parcel on the doorstep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 700
You deserved it 2 183

Top comments

They're the blanket! With sleeves! Can you send me one? :D

KayleeFrye 39

Go on YouTube, and watch the Snuggie parody..."The What the F*#K Blanket." It will cheer you up!


This has happened to me before, except not with Snuggies. I checked my email one day to find several emails about products I had supposedly purchased over the past hour with my debit card. I immediately canceled the card before any more purchases were made, but I ended up with about $30 worth of useless crap. They were things like trials for teeth whiteners. I still have no idea why they stole my information just to send crap to my house.

It depends on who your banking with, guys and girls. Many (popular) institutions state that if it's not your purchase, it's not your problem. And the best way to be reimbursed for the fraud committed on your behalf, is to contact your financial institution. Unless you're banking with some "hole in the wall" middle of nowhere type of bank. It's kind of hard to choose whether or not you deserved it, because you could have been careless and dropped it or you could have allowed for this to happen by not contacting your bank. Either way, FYD (Frick Your Day)

Oh Snap. Didn't notice the comments 34, 36, and 56. And snuggled could be useful. For Bon-Fires. lol, jk. I'd wear one indeed.

microtrd 0

The guys who make snuggies are scam artists. Either fake post or the fraud was committed by them/on their behalf.

That's actually kind of funny, simply because of what you got and the sheer number of them. On a serious note though that sucks that someone stole your money, but if you call up your bank they'll cancel the charges, get your cash back, cancel the card so the guy who took it can't use it, and give you a new one. They may ask you to return the snuggies but maybe if you're lucky you'll get to keep them, I've always wanted one just because of how silly they look, my friend and I constantly joke that if you had one you could be a warlock.

I fail to see how this is an FML, especially if you're able to report fraud and get your money back. I mean, come on! They're Snuggies! They're awesome!

flyboy57 0

having a pair of Snuggies would rock! but yeah, what 16 of them is too much.

Since when does buying something with a debit card get it automatically shipped to the billing address on the card?

ROTFL! Even if it was fake/a prank/whatever, it still made me crack up!

You failits ROFL you don't abbreviate the " the" n00b

Wait 'til you get the 500 ShamWOWs, or the box of XL dildoes. It's going to be like Christmas, except Santa hates you and you're paying for it all.