Master prankers

By bear92 - 19/06/2009 04:25 - United States

Today, I went outside a friend's house to find that my car had been saran-wrapped. I cleaned it up and went back inside the house. An hour later, I heard the doorbell ring so I went outside the house. They'd saran-wrapped my car again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 534
You deserved it 5 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Just leave some empty shotgun shells in your car--that'll worry them enough not to **** with you.

another reason why people should always carry guns. shoot those little *******

They must hate you! That is a hell of a lot of work to pwn someone, and it is probably expensive to do a car! You must really be a jackass!

Maybe you should get some new friends that don't have the mentality of 8th graders.

man, that's awesome. i'd laugh my ass off if someone did that to my car.

beaniebabe 0

Now your car will stay fresh ;)

pinkpooh123 0

Haha sorta not an fml bc its just funny but... You got owned twice!!! Lmao

CherishFlowers 0

At least it'll stay fresh longer. I have a feeling whoever saran wrapped your car is feeling just as annoyed at your efforts to deter their mindset of keeping things around them tightly wrapped in the freshness provided by the good people at saran.

i see the kids in my area do this alll the time. sometimes they cling wrap across roads, from pole to pole or tree to tree. and wrap expensive cars , then wrap another few layers around the car and a close pole/tree, in an effort to join them together. then they move to the end of the street and wrap around poles/trees on either side. When they're done they pop their hoodies up, and leg it. It's absolutely hilarious to watch.