Master prankers

By bear92 - 19/06/2009 04:25 - United States

Today, I went outside a friend's house to find that my car had been saran-wrapped. I cleaned it up and went back inside the house. An hour later, I heard the doorbell ring so I went outside the house. They'd saran-wrapped my car again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 534
You deserved it 5 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Sambo110 0

It's glad wrap in Australia.

Saran is a brand of plastic wrap, which is like cling film I suppose. America also makes a Glad brand of plastic wrap.

cling wrap, saran wrap, plastic wrap, it's all the same....

I thought it was called "surround wrap"? Hahah

i call it plastic wrap. i'm a new yorker though, i guess that's how we say it.

Lol. Epic Prank. Go through the list of people you may have pissed off recently and I'm sure you will find the culprit. And when you do OJ the seats in their car.

I can't help but squirm at the OJ reference.

Kylias 6

Do you mean poor orange juice on them (to ruin them) or... er... to stab them? Either way, nya. xD

Wow, someone must have a lot of time on their hands.

anyone care to explain the OJ reference? Cuz the only thing that comes to mind is orange juice, and I doubt that would've made #15 squirm...

Google O.J. Simpson. I was gonna copy/paste, but I don't know how some people might feel about it being here.

lol @ not being about to read the abbreviation of orange juice without thinking of a criminal.

soccergirl37 0

OJ, as in OJ Simpson, stabbed somebody. So, they're saying he should slash the seats in their culprits' cars, ruining them

The person whose house you were at isn't your friend.

Sooner or later they'd run out of Saran Wrap xD

FML_Add1cT 0

Wow... u got ****** twice man. and #4 saran wrap is wut u wrap sandwiches, left over in.. here's a link to it's picture