Mother knows best
By crushed - 29/03/2009 06:40 - United States
By crushed - 29/03/2009 06:40 - United States
By str3tch - 03/04/2009 20:48 - United States
By sadgirl - 24/08/2019 09:00 - United States - Edmond
By Anonymous - 18/02/2013 07:09 - United States - Owensboro
By anon - 16/03/2015 04:10 - Canada - Mississauga
By Ally - 19/05/2022 16:00
By Anonymous - 29/09/2010 02:09 - United States
By thenewone - 19/11/2009 20:09 - Brazil
By Sky Deleter - 04/03/2025 16:00 - United States - Brooklyn
By storyofmylife - 23/02/2011 21:52 - United States
By Noname - 06/02/2009 19:23 - United States
dont you hate bitchy bf's moms? my bf's mom is a real character only she just keeps telling him "I'll let you make your own mistakes"... bitch...
My mom said the same thing about my ex-gf, and she said the same thing about my little brothers gf's. No one is ever good enough for a mother's child.
It's a shame, I've met a few mothers like this. No one is ever good enought for their precious child.
#16: Why, thank you. I am proud of my grammar, my punctuation and my collection of books on the subject. #17: The brain may be able to interpret jumbled words, but that doesn't include your/you're, nor does it make bad spelling any more correct, or any less annoying. #18: I think I love you for pluralising "ellipsis" properly. And #20: Yes. Yes, it is necessary. There is never a place for bad grammar (with the possible exception of lolcats, haha). I love this site. It's like a soap opera on crack. Stupid, rife with delusions and completely addictive.
His mother is a bitch. Piss on her face.
ok................. u sorry, ill try harder 2 b grammatically correct
That just made my day.
"When his mom came to pick him up." That right there indicates you're too young, or he's too dumb.
Oh, thank God there are some grammatically correct people on this website. Just when I thought there was no hope... Heh, I'm quite a grammar stickler nowadays, but even so, I can't resist FML. It really is like a soap opera on crack.
She's a bitch, end of story. Funny discussion going on. Completely necessary though. I shouldn't say anything, because my grammar is not good in English at all, but... I'm with you guys.
I hvae raed smoehwree taht as lnog as the fsrit and lsat lttres in a wrod are corrcet tehn you shulod be albe to raed tihs, garmmar Nzais
I don't know if you did anything "wrong". Maybe you came off as standoffish (which could be because you were nervous and didn't know her). Maybe she's just a bitch. I don't know. Let's just hope that either a) your boyfriend doesn't bow/bend to what mama thinks or b) you dump his ass (as in stop associating with him altogether) before he dumps you.