By MissYouPieceOfSkin - 27/11/2013 08:44 - United States - Kirkland
By MissYouPieceOfSkin - 27/11/2013 08:44 - United States - Kirkland
By Anonymous - 21/03/2012 04:50 - Canada
By lanu - 13/03/2012 16:13 - United States
By Good 2 have friends. - 28/12/2010 18:04 - United States
By mainlineloser - 28/11/2014 05:25 - United States - Narberth
By Anonymous - 25/03/2012 17:21 - United States - Rocklin
By Holy fuck - 01/04/2024 15:00 - United States
By Bobby M - 16/05/2011 16:33 - Ireland
By Larz - 26/01/2011 21:49 - Canada
By man-period? - 02/03/2016 06:48 - United States - Portland
By Spooky - 22/03/2023 04:00 - United States
You should never post a story again.
you idiot
There is no reason to come on here and tell people who have done it that they're disgusting. So rude.
Indisputably the best FML I've ever read.
im sure you can get a donor
Trust me you're better of without it. Keeping it would mean thar you would be suceptible to many nore infections and diseases. You would also have to maintain the are as clean as possible (more than usual) and you would have to constantly be pulling the extra skin off.
Men's risk of UTI goes from 2%-1% same with cancer. Women have a much higher risk of getting breast cancer, should we also remove breasts at birth? Yes it "lessons" the risk but 1% isn't worth the risk. More babies for per year through routine circumcisions than actually need them in the first place.
Pulling the extra skin off? Ow. No. I'm not sure what diseases your speaking of that it's more susceptible to, but in over 30 years mine hasn't ever caught anything. If you meant herpes, syphilis or some such, the inch or so of foreskin is just as likely to catch it as an extra inch our so of shaft.
all I can add to posta above is that if you pull the skin on a baby/child, ita like severing a nail from a finger and as pointleas aa brealing hymen on a little girl to wash her 'inside'. Penis has a natural way of cleaning itself undee the foreskin, at least till you hit puberty. Did you hear aboit girls who have to wash the vag inside to keep it clean? Me neither.
it only barely reduces dieses, and you end up cutting off 80-90 of your nerves, reducing how you feel in bed. plus it just looks gross, and I have never had any problems with my dick like you claim
Seek a psychiatrist please
I don't know why people who try to have some respect & sympathy for infants who're incapable of consenting to the procedure, keep getting thumbed down. I agree with you. edit: 62, 16 did not use the word "disgusting." there's no reason to come on here and call people rude for things they didn't say.
What the f***
You poor dear, might I suggest foreskin restoration!
Your foreskin was... alive? Circumcision guilt?
What the hell?