MY SHIT Do Not Eat!

By you're shitting me - 27/05/2013 05:05 - Australia

Today, after months of tests for mystery nerve pain, I went to get more blood taken only to leave the clinic with an empty tin to collect my bowel movements for the next 72 hours. Which needs to be refrigerated. I live with four other people, with one fridge. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 676
You deserved it 3 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#61, for the next 72 hours. I think the problem is not OP, but you and your ability to read.


You know he means he has to pee in the can right?

This is where I would invest $79 for a mini fridge from Walmart.

Buy a mini fridge for those 72 hours. Return it when done. Hope you get better

hannahsnyder69 16

We all know some drunk roommate is gonna think its chocolate

thatbaybay 8

Just go get a cooler full of ice it works and you don't have to put it in the fridge

Wrap it in a couple of plastic bags, and if people really object to it being in the fridge, get some ice packs and put it in a container/cooler.

I suggest you go to walmart and buy yourself those small travel freezers you put ice in to avoid any humiliation & torment. Be smart about this. If you decide to leave it in the freezer shared among everyone else , then YDI.