New, from Goop

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, after a nap, I went to scratch my eye and felt what I presumed to be a clump of mascara on my eyelash. I didn't wear mascara today. It was a tick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 682
You deserved it 3 937

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Where have you been sticking your head?

TurtleGenius 0

Pour gasoline on your eyelashes and set it on fire; that should help. FYL indeed.


_KingdomEnd_ 0

#1, i agree.... something like that happened to me before. I looked on my arm and thought i saw a mole then i was like i don't have a mole there and was in school at the time so i missed info tryin to get it off. failed the pop-quiz

happygoluckyhh 0

That isn't entirely an FML...but that would freak me out. I hate ticks. Lol #3!

youallfailatlife 0

Ticks can crawl, guys. They have legs. They could easily get on your head. FYL though, ticks suck, expecially if it bit ya, that would hurt like hell on your eye.

It would truly be an FML if you got a disease from it. Hope you don't.

Pandora_NoBox 0

omg, thats soo icky. haha fuckyoulife indeed.

birds_fml 7

Where the hell did you pick up a tick? I grew up in the woods, and never had a tick before. Also, EWWWW!

i feel like some people click the "you deserved that one" button just to be assholes haha

Rawrrr14 0

oh my god. Ticks are terrible. I'm like, terrified of them..... they're just so weird, odd and painful..... hope you got it off okay though, and I hope you still have eyelashes ;-]