New, from Goop

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, after a nap, I went to scratch my eye and felt what I presumed to be a clump of mascara on my eyelash. I didn't wear mascara today. It was a tick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 682
You deserved it 3 937

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Where have you been sticking your head?

TurtleGenius 0

Pour gasoline on your eyelashes and set it on fire; that should help. FYL indeed.


Way to build up the suspense. Did you survive?

kendalle_fml 0

This isn't really a FML ticks aren't that bad, they are kind of the same as a mosquito they bite drink blood then go away. Its uncommon to get disease from them and its not uncommon to get them. They are creepy though but earwigs are worse.

my friends mom woke up in the middle of the night once because something had crawled into her ear and it hurt so she went to the bathroom to try and get it out. when she looked at it in the mirror she saw that it was an earwig! but luckily it didn't go far into her ear so she didn't have to go to the hospital she just took it out with tweezers or something but your comment made me think of that. :P I didn't sleep the night she told me that!

Belldandy911 0

That's so gross! How do you not notice a tick on your eye? I would have punched myself in the eye if I realized a tick was living on my face!

summersong89 0

HAHAha at #3, #6, and #22 FYL hun. ticks are icky >.