No gods, no masters

By anon - 31/07/2015 20:28 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my boyfriend and I got intimate. It was his first time, which I guess explains him sticking his hand down my panties and practically bitch-slapping my vagina for the next 20 or 30 seconds. I stupidly faked an orgasm just to get him to stop. Now he thinks he's some kind of sex god. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 354
You deserved it 34 666

Same thing different taste

Top comments

raysmith121 10

This really is your fault. You should instruct him and guide him.

You kind of deserved that. There's no point in lying to save someone's feelings and make yourself miserable.


Congrats. That could not have been worded better XD

Never fake. It can hurt the relationship a lot more than you think you'd hurt it by telling him what to do.

Should have tell him that you didn't like it.

Never fake it. Especially with someone who is inexperienced. How are they ever going to learn to please you, or any one else?

consumer1234567 4

that'll totally fix your problem. instead of educating him and letting him know what would be better thus making you both enjoy it and not making him fast believe what he did was correct. you arrogant bastard

he has never done it so telling him he is doing it wrong is the appropriate reaction and then showing him the right thing to do. All you are doing by "protecting" his feelings is giving yourself bad sex and a future break up so he can find another girl and do the same. Don't let this become a vicious cycle.

I think your partner is watching too much ****. Someone should tell him that's all mostly fake.

Queen_of_Night 20

It sucks to be you OP. Take it from me, he now thinks you liked that and now he will do that every time. I learned that the hard way too. Next time be honest.

I'm a gay man and even I know you don't slap a ****** to get her off. Unless she's a sex freak and enjoys ****** slapping.