No gods, no masters

By anon - 31/07/2015 20:28 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my boyfriend and I got intimate. It was his first time, which I guess explains him sticking his hand down my panties and practically bitch-slapping my vagina for the next 20 or 30 seconds. I stupidly faked an orgasm just to get him to stop. Now he thinks he's some kind of sex god. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 354
You deserved it 34 666

Same thing different taste

Top comments

raysmith121 10

This really is your fault. You should instruct him and guide him.

You kind of deserved that. There's no point in lying to save someone's feelings and make yourself miserable.


Yeah, constructive criticism was the way to go. Now he will think his bitch slapping works and will rely on it till told otherwise.

The people who are saying YDI clearly don't understand how much pressure women are under to keep men happy even if it means putting up with fail sex. That said, it's really in your best interest to try to unlearn that. My first boyfriend lost interest in me over the ego blow of me not enjoying his fail attempts at sex (I've never faked an ******), but in hindsight that was definitely for the better because he wasn't even making an effort to try to pleasure me, which is a good indication that he was really only dating me for an ego boost. My second boyfriend approached sex as a learning process and actually cared about me, so it didn't take long at all for him to consistently make me ******. It sounds like your boyfriend is at least trying, which is good. Guys (actually this is true of most people in general) may not like criticism, but they do generally like enthusiasm and sexual creativity, so suggesting that he try this or that would probably be appreciated. If he's doing something you really don't like, tell him no. You don't have to put up with sexual practices you don't like and his feelings about that don't matter. You don't have to fake an ****** to make him stop- that's rewarding him when he doesn't deserve a reward, just tell him to stop. If he can't be chill about being told to stop, he shouldn't have a girlfriend.

leogachi 15

@92 I voted YDI because she faked an ****** instead of asking him where he learned that horrible technique from and correcting him. Whether or not she felt any pressure to stroke his ego is irrelevant here because he obviously had no idea what he was doing.

Stroking his ego is completely relevant because many guys take 'you don't know what you're doing' as an attack on their ego. Is that really such a hard connection to see?

#92 I was scrolling through the comments about to say the exact same thing! Thanks for saying what desperately needed to be said. Based on OP's wording that she "stupidly faked an ******", I think she knows what she did was wrong. It's easy to panic a little and not know what to do in the moment, especially if it's your first time. I'm definitely an advocate of teaching your partner what feels good for you, but women really do feel pressure to not hurt their man's ego. I can't help but think everyone is being a little hard on OP considering she already knows she made the wrong choice in this situation.

Although it sucks that he didn't know what he was doing, shame on you for letting him. Now he's going to think it really felt good and will probably do it more often unless you say something. YDI

bleedingglitter 24

Faking it during sex only hurts you in the long run. No mater how much "experience" your partner has you have to be honest.

And sometimes, in my case, no amount of communication can resolve habits that were picked up. I had an ex who loved to do things I absolutely hated due to being ticklish/extremely sensitive. I told him over and over not to do these particular things, but he was adamant because "all girls like this" or "I do it still because it turns me on". One day when he did my turn off, my body reacted to the tickling sensations and I kicked him out of reflex. Needless to say he got mad at me, and things began falling apart. OP, you letting him think that it was a good thing he did could make it even harder for him to unlearn especially if he has a lot of pride or is incredibly stubborn. Good luck and don't fake another ****** next time. You'll just set yourself up for a lot of hurt and mistrust in the future.

And telling him that he's making you uncomfortable and guiding him appropriately was inconvenient because...? YDI

zoney_girl 13

Oh my gosh, no way! I had literally the EXACT same thing happen to me! Every sympathy, OP.

ndnpride88 25