No kink-shaming on FML

By thedoc - 15/07/2014 03:25 - United States - Amarillo

Today, my wife was putting her finger in my bellybutton and making overly sexual noises. I thought this was all fun and games until I realized she was actually into this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 569
You deserved it 6 960

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well someone likes to put things in holes, watch out OP.


rhoeft95 11
gameover18 17

It can't be that bad op. Just another thing that turns her on and increases your odds of getting lucky.

Oh damn, she really likes to push your buttons eh?

Everyone has their fetishes. Compared to other fetishes out there, being turned on by bellybuttons really isn't that weird. It's an erogenous zone!

A little strange but there are things in time that might seem a bit odd about our partner...we all have those funny fetishes

You have been playing with her holes for a while now. I guess she realized it's time she start returning the favor too. Why should one person have all the fun :p

TechnoKitten 17

An ex boyfriend of mine just kept stabbing his penis or finger into my belly button. He seemed to have a fetish for it. I guess it's a common thing. Lol as long as it isn't harmful I guess it isn't too bad right?

RedPillSucks 31

Did it make him seem larger than he was? Not what you thought when he said he'd fill your hole?

rachangie 19

Use it to your advantage OP. Fetishes can be fun and maybe it will open the two go you up to new things.