
By frenchpie - 17/05/2009 12:05 - Korea Republic of

Today, the guy I liked came over for dinner with some friends. One of them asked him if we were dating, he became so distraught he started to choke on the food I had made, in his haste to tell them that in no uncertain terms, were we together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 506
You deserved it 4 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is phrased really badly. I can't tell if he was saying no or yes, because you used the phrase "in no uncertain terms" it makes it seem like he choked while saying yes you are together.

He probably did that because he does like you and wants to be protected against any rejection embarrassment. Sure it's a dick move, but so many people do this because humans are ****** and stupid always.


#46. That is an interesting experiment. Put an affirmative adverb in front of "were we" all in quotes and submit to google to see all the usages. In all the affirming usages, there will be a period between the were and we, meaning those two words never seem to be used in that order in the affirmative. But put a negative adverb there, for example "never were we" and it is common. Even "Not always were we" occurs, but not "always were we" by itself. Like a lot of people I misread the "were we" and thought it was very badly messed up punctuation, but not an FML. Now I see it is mangled idioms as well.

#39: she probably meant gagged or something since he was caught off guard by the question (and didn't actually get into a life threatening situation). And as a lot of people have said, I'm not sure why this is a FML, if he choked trying to say you two were together, this isn't much of a FML. However if he choked in his haste to deny it (more plausible) either since he wasn't sure how you felt or he really didn't like you in that way, then I agree your life is F***ed.

It all works if she replaced "uncertain terms" with "way" We need to set up a wikiFML to deal with people like this.

procrastination_ 0

Again, it could have been that he does like you, but to protect himself he automatically said no, so he wouldn't have to see your rejection first. Don't take it as a definite sign.

I had to read this 3 times to understand exactly what you were saying. It's kind of annoying that people keep trying to write smart sounding FMLs when they really don't know what they are talking about!

Okay, so the OP wrote it incorrectly. We all get what they meant and no one died. Either way, that sucks pretty bad. At least that you heard it from him first?