Not a laughing matter

By Anonymous - 26/02/2014 09:31 - United States - Las Vegas

Today, on Facebook, someone wrote a status implying that she was going to kill herself. I called a mutual friend, asking to check up on her. The next status the girl puts up said, "Someone thought I was going to commit suicide! Haha what a loser!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 230
You deserved it 4 956

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Authoress14 15

So you're still friends with her why?


Thors_Hammer9999 17

statistically most people who express a possibility of committing suicide won't actually go through with it and anymore from personal experience they're just looking for attention

Attention seeker, much? It looks like she will learn her lesson the hard way when the next time she actually needs help, nobody cares.

It's nice of you to have been concerned about her... she should appreciate that kindness, rather than calling you a loser... =/

It's not your fault... Beaches just want attention

toastedbagel14 3

Well, don't feel like a loser. Too many don't know how to express themselves correctly, causing misunderstanding. If someone else were to do the same thing, do check on them because the next person could be serious and for just one person to show compassion could mean the difference between life and death.

Atleast you tried to help her. You did the right thing, too bad she was just out for the attention

Well there goes trying to look out for one another.

tompou6 19

What an absolute twat. FYL OP

LimplySadistic 3

I hope she drinks bleach. That is not something to joke about.