Not a laughing matter

By Anonymous - 26/02/2014 09:31 - United States - Las Vegas

Today, on Facebook, someone wrote a status implying that she was going to kill herself. I called a mutual friend, asking to check up on her. The next status the girl puts up said, "Someone thought I was going to commit suicide! Haha what a loser!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 230
You deserved it 4 956

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Authoress14 15

So you're still friends with her why?


Celfyndel 16

It is kind of hard to tell when people are serious these days. A lot of the times though, if they're serious, they'll just do it and not say anything. You did the right thing by asking but bitches like that are the ones that make it hard for me to believe anyone who says things like that.

suicide is not a joke , who ever thinks it is , is an ignorant 'a' hole coming from someone who has been saved many occasions as i was about to die and i am grateful for that ,

That girl seems utterly horrible; suicide is definitely not a joking matter

nialls_girl 13

Well some friend...but you're still calling them a friend?

nialls_girl 13

So many people are harassed these days to the point of being suicidal...she should have been happy that people care!!!

winimy 8

She's not funny, you were really considerate. It was not nice of her to make light of suicide.

yeah, attention seeking dumb people... sadly there is nothing you can do about that... except don`t befriend them