Oh no…

By probably_the_ex_now - 18/08/2009 08:04 - United States

Today, my boyfriend introduced me to his family. They were drinking and having fun, so I joined in. I had one too many, got really goofy, and then suggested the farting game. "Sorry, I can't hold my liquor!" I quickly explained. My boyfriend's mom shot me a cold look and said, "It's non-alcoholic." FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 962
You deserved it 97 553

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for being an idiot even whilst not intoxicated.

this further proves my theory that usually being "drunk" is all in your head.


YDI for being an IDIOT, for ruining any chance of your bfs parents thinking you're intelligent or liking you in any ways, and for not being able to hold your non alcoholic beverages.

What's the farting game? It sounds repulsive.

Shaiath 0

Wow, takl about good first impressions. I guess if you were nervous I can see why you would drink, but if you know you are a lightweight why would you even take the chances? This is a pure YDI, this is more of a FML for your boyfriend.


Someone's going to have to find a new boyfriend :D You're a moron. Please, do us a favor and go an hero

Eh, about 3/10 for trolling. Not very good. Lots of room for improvement.

placebo! but even still, that's just plain stupid.

I agree with #63. And #8 is the reason why some people shouldn't be allowed to reproduce. Jackass.

Aren't you compelling? I can't wait til you have a child (god forbid) and it has Down's. Then you can laugh at it all day long.

LOL what a dumb chick, never would have worked on a guy