On the fence

By fuckyouverymuch - 13/06/2013 10:16 - Australia - Sunnybank

Today, my estranged father, who is a cop, decided to show up to my 17th birthday party. He immediately began arresting people for underage drinking. Way to mend fences, dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 988
You deserved it 26 785

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bballer4life895 13

Obviously you shouldn't be drinking if your underage, especially if your dads a cop. You should know better

Wizardo 33

He's doing his job and you're underage, this isn't Superbad Mr. McLovin...


A lot of people think its okay to drink in front of a guardian. However I have found out in many cases, the law has changed but not heavily enforced. Again, we don't know the whole story as you are given minuscule amount of space to tell the story. Calm down

The U.S. technically does not have a federal drinking age. The government does say, however, that if a state doesn't set it to 21, then they will not receive as much funding (if any at all).

You know if you're gonna talk about US laws maybe you should check and see whether the Fml is or is not set in the US.

Isa_fml 20

"Way to do your job, thanks dad." There, fixed it for you.

Why do you people even care, you're missing the point. It's supposed to be funny, grow up and stop being idiotic know-it-all. Obviously he knows it's ******* illegal. THink before you speak. Idiots.

I think you may just be dump. Let me get this straight your dads a cop. Cops enforce the law. Your seventeen. It is illegal to drink at seventeen. What do you actually think he's going to do? Grab a beer and hang out?! No, he's going to do his job and get these bad kids off the streets and teach them to not drink underaged. In a sense he is helping your friends become better people by forcing them to straighten out their lives or go to prison again. You seriously need to start respecting your dad and what he does as a cop. He puts his life on the line every day and you repay him by drinking. This is basically a slap in the face towards your dad. I really hope you straighten out your life and your attitude.

How are they 'bad kids' because they had a couple beers, it's not like it hurts anyone. I guarantee there are doctors, firefighters, ect. who had drinks before they were of legal age to do so. Does that suddenly mean they're bad people?

@169: And from now on we all will be good, law-abiding and god-fearing citizens. Amen. A few beers at age 17 are not that bad, and OP is surely not dumb. His dad could have looked the other way but he decided that he will use a minor incident to further damage the relation to his son, and in my humble opinion a 17 year old drinking a beer is a minor incident.

First of all, "estranged" usually means the person... isn't around. No child should have the utmost respect for a parent who chooses to not be around. It's ridiculous. and at least where I live, the cops are pretty lazy and have never risked their lives a day in their career. a fine example: not one, but two head shops opened up literally across the street from the local police station and sold illegal drugs all the time. not all cops are very good at their job, sadly.

maybe he's keeping you safe(: underage drinking could be future alcoholism ? drunk drivers? bad choices? or he's a douche

so just because he had some alchohol and hes under 21, youd think hed be a future alchoholic?

jonsey974 3

If you think it's cool to drink at 17, YDI.

I'm sorry, who exactly invited him? YDI. For inviting your estranged father as well as for drinking underage

Why is everyone being so uptight about underage drinking? As if you've never done it before. It's not as if OP and his friends were drinking buckets of vodka. I started drinking a bit at parties when I was 15, and it hasn't left me physically or mentally damaged. So stop acting all high and mighty about it- most people have tried alcohol by the time they're 17.

"Lots of people do it so it must be okay" is seriously the best argument you can come up with? Lots of teenagers shoplift too, but that doesn't make it any less wrong.