One day this will all be yours

By diapermommy - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my 5-year-old daughter saw a pad commercial. She asked me what they were, but I didn't think she was old enough to hear it. I just told her that they're like diapers for mommies. Now she won't stop telling people that mommy wears diapers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 157
You deserved it 47 177

Top comments

That is why you don't dumb things down for kids, it will always come back to bite you in the butt. You should have told her it was a grown up woman thing she will learn about later.

loveurlifeJK 5

That's why you cut the bullshit when it comes to kids. Just tell them the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.


screwtaylor 0

Oviously you've never had a period if u think pads are gross dumbass

lOl thats what my aunt told my cousin when we were little and my cousin told me and i believed him :]

authorkid 2

I knew what a period was before I was 5. So did my brother. And we aren't all messed up because of it. My parents very rarely dumbed things down for us, and thanks to that, we were able to be more tactful and ready for the world than our sheltered peers.

umm... im just wondering. what did ladies wear before pads where made?

monnanon 13

waddedd up cloth or some sort of absorbant padding like cotten wool i imagine. ew can you imagine having to wash it out every day like they used to do with nappies (and some people still do) now thats gross

letitbe56 0

Ever heard the expression "On the rag"? It's literal.

letitbe56 0

Also, in some cultures, women were required to leave the community or live in a certain dwelling for the duration of their periods. I assume this is in part because they were bleeding everywhere.

monnanon ewww, how did u even think of that? but its prbbly true letitbe56 r u serious?

No, it's because it was thought that women who were menstruating would contaminate things for the rest of the community. That's why they were seperated.

letitbe56 0

Yeah, but what do you think the root of that belief is? It's probably due in part to the mood swings, and in part to the actual blood that these cultures came up with the idea of spiritual contamination. Not that implausible.

ok, you know what you tell kids that young? "that's nothing you need to worry about, sweetie." problem solved.

YDI. Kids aren't stupid. You shouldn't dumb things down for them... My mom told me what a period/puberty was when I was 7 (I heard an older cousin talking about it) and it didn't scar me for just made me more aware of myself and respectful of my peers when their bodies were changing. Kids are never "too young" to learn about the basics of human biology. You could easily tell a child a simple, non-graphic explaination for a period (for example you could say, "a woman's body naturally cleans itself out every month if she's not carrying a baby")...totally legit, logical and simple-for-a-kid-to-understand explaination, without tearing away your child's innocence about sex itself.

It's a natural female thing that happens, people shouldn't be afraid to explain it. She'll have her period one day.

Hermyoni 0

Ydi for lying and saying it was a diaper. You should of told a simplified version of the truth rather then letting them think it was a diaper and that you walk around pooing and peeing yourself. Also it makes you look stupid what happens if she sees them in a friends house and is corrected and told they were pads. Then not only do you have a confused daughter but a daughter who knows she was lied to.

YDI for wearing diapers. Shouldn't you be potty trained by now?

Kids aren't idiots, and they aren't exactly ignorant of the world. Just say it's something for adult women. End of story

..that's what she did. In case you've never met a 5-year-old, they're really curious. Fobbing kids off with "it's something adult" just makes them even more interested, and as someone else said, like a 5-year-old could deal with the information that she'd randomly start bleeding every month.