
By belljars - 18/04/2014 02:27 - United States - Riverside

Today, my boyfriend and I were having sex, and, in the heat of the moment, I cried out for him to go harder. He then had an exasperated expression on his face, and, in an adamantly offended tone, said, "Don't tell me what to do." Then he left the room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 214
You deserved it 9 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hopefully you checked on him to see if he's okay OP. Maybe ask him why he reacted that way?

Sounds like someone is overly sensitive about their sexual prowess. He probably has self esteem issues.


strawberrywine22 30

This might be way off-base, but do you by chance have control issues? I used to be extremely controlling of my fiance, and finally he snapped. In bed. The location/activity didn't matter, it was simply that I told him what to do one too many times. (For the record, I've overcome my control issues with his help and we are now happily married)

Great way to make this all about you... What happened to standard FML advice like: Dump him?

Well 10 people have thumbed her up so far Alan, so maybe not.

kingdomgirl94 29

Its just a suggestion as to why someone might snap like that for no apparent reason. People are usually motivated by something when they act, regardless if its obvious to anyone else.

That's what I wondered when I read the FML. It sounds to me like a symptom of a bigger problem.

strawberrywine22 30

I wasn't trying to make it about me. I was just offering another perspective. OP could have control issues as well and just not realize it.

or she really wanted him to go harder and faster. women are allowed to have their needs met as well. if she wanted it, he could at least be happy that she wants it from him and not another guy

I think he might have taken it a little too seriously...

You think that would've been a good thing! Try talking to him and see why he reacted that way. Some guys don't like being told what to do, but that just might have made him feel insecure, like he wasn't good enough. Lol.

I think he is a little sensitive about his manhood and it's capabilities.

I'm really starting to wonder if it's adults or children who are written about in these FMLs... That really sounds like what a 10 year old would say.

maggiefox 25

Maybe he feels he falls flat in some areas in the bed room and is sensitive about it :p

On the plus side, you've now got a boyfriend-approved come-back for any time he gives you an unwanted suggestion in bed. If he can say it, then so can you.

maybe he just felt offended.. meet up and everything would be fine