
By Anonymous - 24/07/2014 09:05 - United States - Cape Coral

Today, I got fired from my job. Why? Apparently, taking 10 minutes to take a shit is too long for some people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 711
You deserved it 8 903

Same thing different taste

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"fly by ***** are the only thing allowed around here!"


Dude, I'm a nurse and I must tell you: you are constipated. Eat more vegetables and fruits, drink more water and do some physical exercise. I take no more than 30 seconds to take a shit.

ArashiGirl 13

Thirty seconds to take a dump? THAT is bullshit.

skittyskatbrat 19

Only if "you are constipated" is the name of an app or game....

I'm a normal person wondering who times their bodily functions outside of when needed for medical purposes.

juturnaamo 29

You don't have a natural sense of time?

Umm, that is too long to take a shit. You should eat healthier and drink more water, bruh...

Respect101 17

Not sure about other countries, but in the US it is legal to fire someone for little or no reason. They basically can fire anyone under most reasons as long as the reason doesn't violate the Anti-discrimination laws.

That exact same thing has happened to me before. Apparently as a team, we were taking to many "unauthorized" bathroom breaks and if we didn't use the bathroom only on our scheduled breaks, or take less than 3 minutes, we were screwed.

That's a bunch of shit! Holding it because you can't go fast enough could really cause a lot of health problems. I've had kidney infections and they suck!

Hmm, yet most schools won't allow you to go in lessons, we had 2 hour blocks so even going quickly in between could make you late for the second. Plus honestly, I've never had a doctor, nurse, counsellor etc suddenly go, nor a teacher (be a couple of minutes late, yes). I doubt many lawyers would. And really for shop work, people often have to wait for a coworker to cover. Like it or no, it's a life skill, and most people shouldn't have trouble waiting. Obviously people with bladder issues, pregnancy etc may have more urgency. But that's likely a small % of the population.

I think you should consult a lawyer, because this is discrimination against people who have health issues, and frankly, your bowels are your private business. It should be pretty easy to get a doctor to weigh in on it.

imagineapc 11

Are you kidding? You're aware that most states are at will employment states? That means I can fire you simply if I don't like the color of your hair. Additionally, people with bowel problems are not a protected class under the ADA...making your argument completely invalid.

That's if OP is actually trying to tackle it. In which case they should easily be able to explain it. However, judging by the wording, OP is not too concerned and just thinks it's natural...

That's because 10 minutes is too long... However I don't think you should have been fired assuming it was your first time doing it.

I'd be screwed, I'm not allowed to use my phone at my desk anymore even if it's work or family related. I have to do that all at lunch or when I go to the toilet. But if they told me off, they'd have to tell off everyone that goes for half an hour smoke breaks every hour or so.

kingdomgirl94 29

Staying off your phone for a few hours isn't really a hardship. Unless someone is dying and you need to be kept posted on their condition every hour, put it the hell away. You're paid to work, not text. Work related things might be excusable, but family related? Like I said, unless someone is in critical condition, text them on break, it won't kill you.

where do you work? I would love 1/2 hour smoke breaks every hour. I just get 3 5 minute breaks in 7 hours of work.