
By notagoodsign - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Netherlands

Today, while watching Animal Planet, I realised my boyfriend uses the Dog Whisperer techniques on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 124
You deserved it 9 519

Top comments

That's what happens when you're a bitch.

OP: I love you! Boyfriend: *scratches OP's ears* Such a good girl! OP: What the **** are you doing? Boyfriend: *hits OP's nose with newspaper* Bad girl! Bad girl! OP: Ooh yes, tell me I'm a bad girl!


Maybe he would stop using those techniques on you if you started licking his balls and not his face.

Acousticpixie14 6

Something tells me she'd require some peanut butter in order for that to happen.

hahaha nice one 17. and it'd have the added advantage of making it so she can't talk!

bman134 0

what's wrong with a calm assertive bf

Acousticpixie14 6
clarissa_Gyall 0

dayummmmm a who dat? a wha dat? *shivers* imagine what it's like when she puts on makeup? :p

That chick is definitely hotter than you.. Even if she is a ginger..

Damn you Doc. You outshine me in everything you do. You were always "The smarter one." or "The taller one." You dont know what it's like to live in your shadow. Even mother calls you "Favorite."


More importantly, do they work? Inquiring minds need to know!

I though they only put dog whisperer on national geographic o.o

With Exercise, discipline, and affection- in that order?