Pure evil

By Anonymous - 07/10/2016 20:22 - Switzerland

Today, the cat climbed up to the spice shelf while I was cooking. As I looked up and told him to leave, he tipped over a chili container which coated my face with chili powder. The bloody pain in my eyes then made me knock over a pot of boiling water. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 964
You deserved it 1 172

Same thing different taste


The cat thought you needed to spice up your life a little. That arsehole.

YDI for letting animals in the kitchen when you're cooking.:). I hope you weren't injured. Thats no fun. Also empathy on the eyes. Had it happen to me with red curry paste in a blender. No fun either:)

It's a cat. They roam. I'm quite sure if OP kicked it out, it would still find a way to get in the kitchen.

If you had only left out the part where you scolded her for lack of common sense, you would have been up there with the top comments.

A cats way of saying "I love you" I guess

Yeah. This farce gets approved for submission while several way more credible stories are being cast to FML hell. I'm so tired of the cat stories that I've started YDI voting on all of them. How can the mods claim to exclude unoriginal entries, yet allow 99% of the cat stories take over?

orangejubejube 20

always pick up the cat to move them, don't just tell them to move. they have a superiority complex.

species4872 19

Why do you say the cat instead of my cat?

Sometimes, when a person lives with another person that other person has animals. Like when you have a roommate you hate that has a cat that sprays everything and they act like it's not a problem. Not my cat, lived in my house.