Put that in your pipe and smoke it
By Mimi - 29/11/2012 05:29 - United States
By Mimi - 29/11/2012 05:29 - United States
By Anonymous - 25/08/2009 17:03 - United States
By lostmyfaithinblowjobs - 12/01/2013 02:16 - Australia - Queanbeyan
By Anonymous - 28/09/2013 21:40 - New Zealand - Hamilton
By Anonymous - 04/08/2022 02:00
By future missing person maker person thingy - 11/10/2012 20:37 - Canada - Lloydminster
By Anonymous - 24/11/2016 13:17 - United States - New York
By insomnia - 22/12/2011 15:23 - United States
By annie - 14/10/2018 12:00
By jessi - 02/12/2011 13:22 - United States
By dammit hearing aid - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Wallingford
I can understand where OP is coming from; the amount of children these days with electronics that they a) have no idea how to use and b) don't deserve is appalling. And even though OP should've restrained him/herself from making an uneducated conclusion, autism isn't an everyday thing and its not OP's fault for making a rude comment. My little sister has autism, and the lady who snapped at OP, instead of snapping, should've been a little kinder about her response, seeing as autism is neither common nor completely understood. There is a lot wrong with how the autistic child's mother reacted; if the same thing happened to me, I would've taken the opportunity to create another tolerant and educated person since there is nothing wrong with being autistic. It's simply another type of brain/consciousness. This shouldn't have been an FML, it should've been a learning experience. >>check out the neurodiversity movement
Insert foot in mouth
MYOB Dweeb.
Yeah, I don't understand why lil kids even need phones, cause who are they gonna talk to, and if they wanna play games, get em an itouch I guess or a gameboy, but does it seriously piss you off enough that you felt you had to turn around and insert yourself into a situatioon you weren't part of? Sorry but that just makes you an asshole
Sometimes I wish I could say things to people but I don't. I work at gamestop and had a lady come in to get her 5 year old a blue 3ds because she threw the black one in the toilet. She didn't want the black one she wanted blue! I wanted to punch her in the face, so I understand, but it's not your place to say anything.
Because you know how to raise other people's children so much better than they do?
Why was that any of your business? Y utterly DI
Respect strangers, and mind your own business. Problem solved.