
By Anonymous - 30/10/2010 01:21 - United States

Today, I found out that my best friend lost her virginity to my father. Her excuse? She was drunk. His excuse? "She's hot." FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 151
You deserved it 4 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

turtlemansam 6

She's not your best friend. she's your mom


yummycupcakegirl 0

woah! thats what i call trashy :/ someone get Jerry Springer on the phone ASAP!! ya never know she could fuuck your grandpa next....if he's still alive

That's flipping disgusting!! I would kill my best friend! And my dad!

omg i read it wrong. at first i thought it said "my best freind lost her virginity to HER dad"

ieatdeadcats 0

oh waaa, I have sex with my best friends fathers allllll the time. ;)