
By Anonymous - 30/10/2010 01:21 - United States

Today, I found out that my best friend lost her virginity to my father. Her excuse? She was drunk. His excuse? "She's hot." FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 143
You deserved it 4 400

Same thing different taste

Top comments

turtlemansam 6

She's not your best friend. she's your mom


SwiftKick2DA 0

like I always say Jackie D makes us do some crazy shit! but wasting the V card on some old dude?! that's just trashy... trailer park even!

haul his ass to jail ! how olds yourfriend ?!

mrsfunke 0

how old is she?! complete no no on both their parts. I'd be livid! fyl...

How is that an FML? You're not the one who slept with your dad, she is... Right?

Drunk is not an excuse. That's messed up. Though as long as she's not underage good job dad.

I don't understand how you can say "that's messed up" and "good job dad" about the same scenario... unless you are encouraging the dad to be a total creeper.

i dont think i could contine being friends with that person lol

-911, what's your emergency? -My Dad ... sob ... he just stole my ... my bestfriend's virginity ... sob -OK, I'm transferring your call ... next time call 1-800-96-JERRY and tell THEM about it