
By Anonymous - 30/10/2010 01:21 - United States

Today, I found out that my best friend lost her virginity to my father. Her excuse? She was drunk. His excuse? "She's hot." FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 151
You deserved it 4 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

turtlemansam 6

She's not your best friend. she's your mom


those seem like two perfectly legitimate excuses

scooter69 0

that's pretty awkward.....keep an eye on your dad op! you never know when he'll strike next lol

Classic example of Father Lover! should do the same with her dad!! XP

I realize many of you struggle to see the long-term mental health issue with this. And some males see this as a score. But to help put a little perspective here, try reversing the situation from a guy view. "My BF lost his virginity to my mom..." OP. I'm sorry to hear this as I'm sure it hurts deep and broke trust. I would encourage you to work toward forgiveness however.

I'm pretty sure SNL calls that Mother Lover! =P

your picture looks like you've been huffing paint boy

If she's a minor (I'm assuming she is), then that's illegal. Call the cops, get your dad in jail. And even if she's not a minor, if she really was drunk, then it's legally considered rape. Either way, your dad could (and probably should) go to jail. That's just sick & wrong.

TheDrifter 23

To assume makes an ass of u and me. If both people involved are drunk, which one gets the rape charge?

Melaniee_fml 0

oh my gosh. when I first read it I thought it said she lost her virginity to her dad not yours. it seems like a lot less of a problem now that I've reread it.