By Shaun - 16/06/2009 02:13 - United States
By Shaun - 16/06/2009 02:13 - United States
By ihpgolj - 18/06/2009 05:31 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/05/2012 18:50 - United States - Castle Rock
By magicman - 04/07/2012 09:04 - United States
By Mick - 20/02/2009 08:29 - United States
By Banana_Lord - 11/09/2015 23:50 - United Kingdom - Arbroath
By a stupid jackass - 22/06/2012 01:28 - United States - New York
By Carl - 18/09/2022 20:30
By Sparky - 20/07/2022 18:00
By fuck right off - 04/04/2015 17:32 - United Kingdom - Coalville
By Tequila - 20/06/2011 16:12 - Netherlands
what a dumbass
He wasn't trying to give u a "high five"... More like a "Fail Five". Did the car driver give u a signal to high five you? Or did he just come up with and excuse for hitting u at the last minute.... Sounds like a cheap excuse to me.
LOL @ #15 for getting way too into it...he ******* asked for a high five and got it from the oncoming car...totally deserved it
He didn't ask for a high 5, he asked to not get hit while turning left
He thought you wanted a high five? Can someone really be that stupid? I'm speechless. And FYL.
That sucks but I'm sorry to say the image of the incident is hilarious.
FYL indeed! Hope the douchebag who did that to you suffers in court! Or else, just get your homeboys after him ^_~
#12, bikes are better for the environment, and if you don't have people with you and you're not carrying a load of groceries or something then why not bike instead of drive a car? plus some people just prefer it. just because it's 2009 doesn't mean people should be ignorant of driving rules; those people should have known what the signals were, why the hell would they think the OP wanted a high five? [/rant. dang. sorry.] and that's awful. i was just saying earlier too how it seems like no one knows how to drive.. wish there was something you could do about that.
I try to high five people when they hand signial. I geuss you now hate my kind. Well, good luck with the healing proces. Oh, and get a car.
That totally sucks! More bike riders should use hand signals. They don't have turn-signals on their bike like a car does. I vote its an FYL since the moron driving obviously wasn't paying attention in driver's ed.
Gripes. Hope that moron's paying for that.