Sir! Sir!

By Anonymous - 28/05/2009 16:52 - United States

Today, I was taking calls at the helpdesk I work at. The caller was a man, and while helping him with his issue he suddenly stopped to tell me I had a nice soothing voice. Then he told me to say something else. As I continued to help him, he started making moaning noises. I'm a guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 346
You deserved it 3 532

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aw man, poor you! hahaha! but atleast he'll probably give you a good review!

irishfever 0

haha maybe you should consider getting a job at one of those phone sex lines ;)


Not all of us can afford to call a sex hotline you know.

ooh maybe you should call me....:p just kidding. and hell, that's really creepy....FYL

patray_angel 0

#9 - omigod if the OP was gay, then he wouldn't be posting this on, duh, lol! To the OP, that is kind of creepy. I have no problem with those that are gay, but what he did was sexual harassment. It would have been sexual harassment had he done the same thing to a girl....

poolshark 0

Is the phone number for the help desk a 1-900 number? Because you may not be working where you think you are...

Well, technically you did help him with something.

13 - umm i'm pretty sure that straight gay or somewhere in between that experience is equally creepy... i'm a straight girl, that doesn't change the fact that id have been seriously disturbed!

Call me xoxo Lol, kidding! That's really disturbing :o