Sir! Sir!

By Anonymous - 28/05/2009 16:52 - United States

Today, I was taking calls at the helpdesk I work at. The caller was a man, and while helping him with his issue he suddenly stopped to tell me I had a nice soothing voice. Then he told me to say something else. As I continued to help him, he started making moaning noises. I'm a guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 347
You deserved it 3 532

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aw man, poor you! hahaha! but atleast he'll probably give you a good review!

irishfever 0

haha maybe you should consider getting a job at one of those phone sex lines ;)


Even if you were a girl, that'd be a total fml.

coffeennicotine 0

FYL. That's a FYL whether you're a guy or a girl. That really has nothing to do with the fact that the guy's a ******* creeper. And haha #17

Ahaha I'd find this hilarious if it happened to me. It's not that FYL really.

Hey, you helped him out with his problem, you are working at a helpdesk after all. Ask for a raise (pun intended)

It would be even worse the guy was calling in about his harddrive.

MsSippi 0

#13 - even if the OP was gay that doesn't affect whether or not it is sexual harassment, you realize that right? Regardless of sexual orientation it is creepy as hell.

That's pretty awesome. Not for you, but you know, for the rest of us.

ohhhhshizzz 0

#3: You fail on so many levels. OP: Oh wow, that is creepy. Dude, I cannot fail to think how awkward & weird that situation is.

eurghmylife 0

id call the police :S thats ****** up :P