Sir! Sir!

By Anonymous - 28/05/2009 16:52 - United States

Today, I was taking calls at the helpdesk I work at. The caller was a man, and while helping him with his issue he suddenly stopped to tell me I had a nice soothing voice. Then he told me to say something else. As I continued to help him, he started making moaning noises. I'm a guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 346
You deserved it 3 532

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aw man, poor you! hahaha! but atleast he'll probably give you a good review!

irishfever 0

haha maybe you should consider getting a job at one of those phone sex lines ;)


That would be sssoooo creepy. I think I would have needed therapy if that happened. lol But, seriously, that is creepier than talking toilets.

So what? It's not like he knows who you are or where you live. I wouldn't call this an FML.

trishaaa 0

HAHAHAHA, at least you helped him.

Wow, even if it was a woman on the other end that is bizarre! I think I would have started laughing into the phone if I heard moaning. That was so funny, now you'll have to post a sound clip of your voice :P

i would have hung up at the word soothing

I'm a girl and I'm pretty sure I would have said "FML" to someone calling my voice soothing and then groaning to it, too.

I almost put YDI because you stated that you're a guy- as if that makes it worse. But in the end, this was too icky for my to put anything but FML.

and at number 9 and 13... how ignorant can you be? I'm pretty sure whether or not someone is gay wouldn't make the phone call any less creepy.

27 is right, and as such the OP had the full authority to hang up the phone... BTW 27 your smoking hot! :) and you type very "soothing"...

#9 obviously he's straight or he wouldn't have posted this on FML to show how creepy and weird of was.