
By Anonymous - 01/02/2010 05:00 - United States

Today, I sliced my finger open because my roommate's girlfriend put a broken ceramic plate in the recycling. I was putting some paper in the bin and all of a sudden, an inch and a half of my flesh is naked to the world. I don't have medical insurance, so I fixed it with Superglue. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 734
You deserved it 9 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ohheykiwi 2

You're gonna die. It's gonna get infected. And you will die.

FYL for living in a country with no National health care


ilovepink07 0

Wow, you're such a genius. Not only is it going to get infected, but now you're going to be forced to go to the hospital (unless you wanna die) and it's probably gonna cost twice as much to fix it up as it would have if you just went in the first place.

no flipping way diggity dawg, didn't you read it? he said "super" glue. that means that shit is obviously more reliable than the shit glue you think he's using, fluck you, good sir/madam.

OswaldvdS 0

Superglue? better try duct tape. And not having medical insurance is just plain stupid...

niborthegreat 0

What a load of BS. Fixing a cut with superglue is fine...I do it all the time. If you bled well the chances of you getting an infection are minimal. Provided your not prone to infections when you cut yourself you should be fine. You'll know if its infected within 24 hrs!!!

heck yeah! when I worked in te mill that's how we fixed every cut. super glue.

My dad is a police officer and as part of his first aid training he was taught to use superglue to close wounds. Bonus: No scar from stitches. I do hope you cleaned it well first, but if not the superglue will break open soon anyway. Just clean it then.

I'm willing to bet two things. One, that it was temporary until he got to the hospital, and that it was medical grade super glue, which doesn't create heat to close like regular super glue does and therefore, won't damage tissue around the wound.

go_rangers 0

Well if a wound is large enough to require something to help keep it closed, it's going to scar. In those situations, glue will not hold it closed as tightly as stitches would, resulting in a bigger scar.

Wow - I am mortified. Did it not ever occur to you, OP, that you might end up getting an infection, and have to go the hospital in any case (thus paying double or even triple the orig. amount) ??? Or that the super glue might poison your body? I will have no sympathy if your finger develops gangrene, or some other ghastly infection. YDI

Dawkrida 0

no number 1 the hopital uses superglue so yh good job

tweetbaby14 18

I would like to let you know just because super glue fixes everything else doesn't mean it will fix skin if that was the case people wouldn't go to the hospital

you do know that gluing wounds were one of the uses right?

medical grade super glue, idiot. It's totally different from the stuff you buy at the hardware store.

go_rangers 0

Heh, nope... the doctors told me to go to the hardware store to pick some up because it's a lot cheaper than the medical kind and works just as well.

Then your doctor is an idiot or you're full of shit because they're made of totally different things and hardware grade super glue produces heat to cause a seal, which can damage tissue and kill cells around a wound, causing more damage and creating more chance for an infection. Super glue could be a quick fix before going to a hospital but otherwise, you're just putting yourself at risk for a blood infection, greater scaring, and an even more painful healing process.

go_rangers 0

Hahaha completely not true. They told me what to buy, and I bought it. There was no heat involved in the drying process. They said that it was possible that I would have a minor skin reaction to it, but very few people had reactions to super glue. It was fine, and I was going to have a scar either way... hence the cut that required gluing shut in the first place. But hey, it's been almost two years now and my finger is still there, it still works fine, and there are basically no effects from that injury. I'd say the doctor was pretty much spot on. Though I'm sure your medical degree is just as good, seeing as you're in a position to criticize doctors who actually know what they're talking about.