
By Badchristian - 05/04/2012 04:17 - United States - Pasadena

Today, I went to my Christian accountability partner from church to talk about continuing to maintain Christian values. We had sex. Oh, the irony. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 428
You deserved it 43 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dragonstrike94 8

It's okay because sex is good for you

Nothing says good Christian morals like going spread eagle with your Christian accountability partner.


You deserve to be thumbed down for such a horrid first comment. Allow me to contribute to the proceedings.

It is true, you could have at least actually typed it in full.

Torva_fml 16

Seriously? All you could muster was two measly letters? Come on.... If you're going to post, and be in the top 10 comments... Post something creative....

I would have thumbed down twice if I could. And in reference to your profile, it's not only 11, 12 year-olds that are destroying humanity, it's also people your age that lack sensibility. But in all honesty, I blame past generations for not showing children to problem solve. So much for the world today.

dragonstrike94 8

It's okay because sex is good for you

MissHayleyJames 7

Random sex with a random person isn't though.

wanna_bee 8

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siickman 7

I think waiting till marriage is dumb but dont go around ******* everybody....i believe sex should happen two who care about eachother... But you dont even need to date to care about eachother ...

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MissHayleyJames 7

We all screw up. It's what makes us human. We're not damned to hell for screwing up like that. Just ask for forgiveness, learn from it, and move on. Jesus is the only perfect one. Us screwing up so much is kind of the whole point of this Sunday. The best you can do is be a good person, try to live a good, faithful life, and ask forgiveness when you do screw up.

Why don't you freak out some more jesus freak

40- that would be really offensive to some people...

hey, as long as you DON'T go around and screw every guy or girl and become a **** bag, it should be okay. the average person has sex with 9 different people in their lifetime. enjoy yourself, but be safe and don't be a ***** and you should be good.

Get ******* laid. No wonder you're so uptight.

imacanadian 0

"doesn't matter, just had sex"

Torva_fml 16

Don't need the just, or the quotation marks.... But whatever...

Nothing says good Christian morals like going spread eagle with your Christian accountability partner.

Comments are going to be closed on this one very soon.

^^Yup. It's probably right around the corn--*gets tackled by cyber FML staff* RUN!!!RUN WHILE YOU CAN!! THEY COM--*an error has occured. Comments can no longer be posted*

Well, that's ironic indeed. If it was because you are deeply in love, then I'd understand it 100%, but it looks like you just did it because you were horny. Irony indeed.

Does anyone else find it insanely pathetic that this guy pretends his life sucks, just to brag about sex? I mean, seriously?!