Smooth talker

By Kate - 07/03/2009 18:36 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were out to eat. The waiter came and asked what we wanted. My boyfriend said he wanted a cheeseburger and I told the waiter I'd have the same. My boyfriend looked at me and said, "Are you sure you don't want a salad?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 760
You deserved it 8 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vitaminsandminer 0

wow what a dick, guys should appreciate having a girl who isnt constantly watching their weight and should love their girl no matter what she decides to eat

radiantxxreality 8

i agree, i don't think that #1 was wrong at all. us girls should be able to eat whatever we want. guys always complain that we always pick at our food and that we never eat. and when we finally do they complain about that! make up your minds!


frozen_heart 0

#5, usually salads at burger places cost more than burgers...i guess it depends

What a dick. :| If you're at a restaurant, why not? As long as you're not eating burgers every day there shouldn't be a problem. It's not like one cheeseburger causes you to gain 10 lbs automatically. Science just doesn't work that way.

bfly1890 0

Wow maybe he was just offering the salad to her and not referring it to her weight? Why do girls take this so seriously..if he's your boyfriend he obviously likes you for who you are and if he did mean it like that at least he cares so don't take it so personally.

Not all boyfriends like how their lady looks. You think the mental and physical abusers like how their significant other looks? There is a big difference in being concerned about your loved ones health and just being a rude insensitive ass.

I agree with #1 and #21. Us men should respect the girl we have or we don't deserve them. However, sometimes things happen where girls don't feel sexy because of their weight and us guys suffer. If you girls don't feel sexy we have to five-knuckle shuffle. Not sure what the true issue is but the boyfriend seems like a dick. I do agree if it is weight related that the OP may want to see if there is any validity to his statement. Love/life has some vanity to it. I love my girl but if she got huge the physical side would suffer. Plus if she got bigger her self-esteem would go down and I wouldn't be getting lovin' anyways. Plus a lot of these FML stories seem like girls cheating on their boyfriends and boyfriends acting like dicks. Seems like #1 statement should be girls and guys need to respect the person they are with.

completely agreed, best comment on this fml

As a waiter I can say you people have no idea how awkward this situation actually is.

I don't really see how that's FML or why you should be offended. Some girls do watch their weight constantly and only eat salads. Maybe he was just asking to find out if ure one of those girls or maybe he was just asking to find out if u considered it. agrees with #26 besides it's ure fault if u don't know ure beautiful and just right and he's retarded if he can't see that. ure pride shouldn't stem from other ppl's compliments or u'll be easily be crushed. be a strong independent woman and don't over react to anything

greatnt249 0

Referring back to my comment (#5), what I was trying to say that it isn't necessarily that the OP's boyfriend was calling her fat...maybe he's just a cheap bastard. At any rate, I can't think of too many good intentions that would result in a guy saying something like what the OP's boyfriend said, #27. You can believe what you want, but it's highly unlikely that the girlfriend would post this on FML if her boyfriend truly made it sound like a joke.

Aetius_fml 0

If the girl eats a high calorie meal, she has to be on top that night. Fair compromise?

aivilo_fml 0

you guys are right, it's hard to tell what exactly he meant by this, BUT it does sound more like a weight dig than anything else, in which case he's a douchebag and you deserve better. :]