Sorry Mr Whiskers

By Brody89 - 09/04/2014 18:40 - United States - Vancouver

Today, my overly-attached 14-year-old cat wanted attention while I was in a heated Skype argument with my girlfriend. Worked up from the fight, I raised my voice and said, "Not now, go away!" He ran to his little bed, had a heart attack and died. I was a complete dick to my cat in his last moments. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 039
You deserved it 38 066

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hazardmuffin 21

This is probably the most awful FML I've ever read. I'm sorry about your cat, OP :(


This fml just makes me sad. I'm sorry O.P.

I read this last night and cried myself to sleep. I'm sorry for your loss OP.

OP- I am sorry for your loss. It could have happened to any unsuspecting pet owner having a bad day :( You gave him a good life, and wherever his little kitty soul is now- he's not thinking about his last moments. The hurt didn't last long. Looking over the comments- you, OP, are responsible for hundreds of cat lovers giving their cats lots of extra love and attention after reading this. You made cats all over the world happy today :) I know it doesn't take the hurt away, but it does give you points toward good karma and something happy to think about. That's pretty nifty :)

Hey dick "not now go away" any chance you will go lay down and have a heart attack now ? Hope someone yells at you when your old and fragile

You are being out of line. He didn't mean it. He isn't the reason for the cat having a heart attack.

this actually made me kind of sad. poor lil kitty .

This has to be the saddest fml I've ever read. Not your fault, you couldn't have known that would happen. Sorry for your loss.

Twisted_Angel 17

How sad... I don't think I could ever forgive myself for that. FYL indeed. :/

This really tugged at the heartstrings. I couldn't imagine how shitty I'd feel if I did that to my dog. But you couldn't have known OP. My condolences :(

This was the first time I cried over a FML. I'm going to cuddle my cats and tell them I love them. Sorry OP for your loss.