Sorry sweaty

By boyfriendless - 10/04/2009 21:07 - United States

Today, I was babysitting a five year-old boy. Somehow the topic of relationships came up, and he asked me if I had a boyfriend. When I told him that I was single, he got all excited and asked if he could be my boyfriend. It would have been cute… except he was the first guy to ever ask me out. I'm 18. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 898
You deserved it 6 210

Same thing different taste

Top comments

don't worry about it! a great guy will come along one day, no need in wasting your time on useless guys anyways. do it once, do it right.

aww that's sweet in a way still, sucks another guy ain't asked you out before though =(


geronimo_fml 0

so? I'm 20 and no woman wants anything to do with me. don't worry, once you're in college, things will probably change. go to parties and get mad drunk, that always helps

Hey no biggie I didn't start dating till I was 18. Some people take longer than others. Just don't put out on the first date. BIG MISTAKE. Everyone is different I don't think it fits at all as a 'FML' moment. & very adorable that, that little boy asked you :D Lil ego boost of the day regardless.

maybe guys are intimidated by you because you're hot/confident or something... and btw, BE CONFIDENT NO MATTER WHAT

Chocolate_Chunk 2

ah, that's why you never see a guy asking out a hot girl but ugly girls get whole flocks of followers!

LAWLZ. Don't worry!!!! I got my first love letter from a girl at the age of 22. Had her phone number along with the her saying "Call me!" All would've been fine except that girl who gave it to me was one of my students who had to be no older than 10-12 years old. I remember laughing at first...then becoming depressed when I realized FML. =) You're not alone.

yeah im 18 and i've never been asked out on a date either and im actually fine :) well technically i was.. but the guy was a douche and never followed through. but i'm really not worried about it. i just figure i'll meet the right guy soon enough :)

Yeah don't worry about it. You could be ugly as sin or the most beautiful person in the world and be dateless. Attractive women have problems sometimes because men sometimes think hot chicks are out of their league or superficial bitches so they don't ask. Yet the girl is perfectly normal AND hot but the stereotype of most hot women stigmatizes them.