Strange things are afoot…

By proudestmonkey - 24/03/2009 05:44 - United States

Today, I had my car stolen. When the police found it, pretty much everything inside was missing. For some reason, I had left 6 pairs of shoes in my back seat. Whoever stole my car thought it would be funny to take one shoe from each pair. I now own 6 unmatched shoes and my car smells like sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 92 221
You deserved it 6 553

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if it smells like sex maybe the cops can find some evidence: semen and so forth and catch the bastard! lol that sucks ass. esp. about the shoes. lol..

maybe they banged an octopus and they didn't have anything to wear after!


eeee93757 0

#2 that is the most epic of all fails in the history of failing... an octopus has EIGHT legs OP had SIX pairs of shoes Can you figure the rest out on your own?

HAHAHAHA!!!!! STOLE ONE SHOE FROM EACH?! LAWLAWLAWL I'll keep that one in mind

I laughed hard at this. I mean, I know he nicked your car, but that was comic genius!

#52 is an über reading phail. Did you not read what I said? They gotta hve a couple free hands!

pahaha im sorry but that made ma laugh so hard. its a good idea! sucks to be you though. although maybe the police can find some ..."evidence". what with it smelling like sex and all.

well_this_sucks 0
lolajelly 0

I'd probably do the same thing. Just sayin'.

Jefe_fml 0

LMAO that is horrible but I can not help but laugh.