
By souped - 10/12/2009 05:41 - United States

Today, I really wanted something to drink. I looked in the fridge, and found some of my grandma's soy milk. I took a swig, and instead of tasting soy, I tasted something rotten. Turns out my grandma knows I drink her soy milk, so she swapped it with expired chicken broth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 695
You deserved it 42 666

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Flutist 3

Your grandmother is Epic. I don't understand why you would drink out of the carton. She's your grandmother. Have some manners. Buy your own ******* milk.

wow, that kinda sucks. way to go grandma!


Should have got your own soy. I have six cartons in my fridge. And some chocolate soy milk. And some soy beans... and some tofu... and some soy based yoghurt-like desserts... and some soy ice cream...

lol that's an awesome grandma u don't **** with


That first sentence is really bothering me. "Today, I was really thirsty for something to drink," it makes it sound like you're usually thirsty for something else, like... HUMAN BLOOD!!!??

lmao the first sentence is bothering me too...... "i was thirsty for something to drink" because usually when you're thirsty its for something to eat lmao

I fixed it. Thanks for pointing it out (in a funny way, no less).

perdix 29

Don't steal Grandma's toothpaste unless you are familiar with the smell of Preparation H. I'm just sayin'. . .

Grandma totally owned you. That is what you get for making fun of her Clay Aiken granny panties.

what is with your clay aiken obsession? if you're trying to be funny, it's not working.

perdix 29

I'm satirizing LatinoHeat. I don't know whether he is alone at it, but his Clay Aiken thing is just like the well-known Chuck Norris fad. Sorry you don't like it, but I am having fun with it. I liked the dingleberry one.

Love your granny! Now, buy your own food!

maybe if you replaced it once in a while ass.

sdcrazy1018 0

Take a hint: buy your own damn milk!

Haha. I suppose if you had a sweet tooth then, you might steal candy from a baby? You totally deserved to learn your place the hard way.