Thanks, I guess?

By LocallyBrewed - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I met my biological parents for the first time, 29 years into my life. They turned out to be two of the most pathetic people I have ever met, and the meeting ended after they asked me to lend them money because I "literally owe them my life." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 887
You deserved it 2 710

Same thing different taste


I'm so sorry op but now you know. Be thankful that they did 2 good things. 1. They did not abort you. 2. They gave you up for adoption. Sometimes we need answers Now you have your answer. Thank them for the 2 good things they did and move on without them. If you were adopted and your Mom and Dad are still alive hug them tight and tell them you love them. The phrase "Except for the grace of God, there go I" should be said here. Good luck op.

middlenamefrank 8

Well, hopefully now you'll feel much better about a) having met your biological parents, and b) not having grown up with your biological parents. Win win!

Just be glad they made the one right decision to give you a better life.

It's quite possible that the state made that decision for them.

I've met people who are as useless as the day is long, and yet their parents and grandparents are decent hardworking people whom are ashamed of such behavior. If it's any constellation, maybe you should meet your biological grandparents(assuming they're still alive) and see for yourself, and try to form some kind of relationship with them, or seek out some aunts and uncles and meet them.

I'm sorry they weren't what you wanted them to be. When I found out who my birth father was I more than disappointed. I found out he had passed two years ago and that he wasn't someone worth knowing. I'm sorry they let you down but don't let that mean anything to you. Don't waste your time or thoughts on them.

I hear you my parents a losers always asking for money and I am 24. Some of us are not blessed with great bio parents. Sorry to hear it

So...they stayed together all this time? Yet, couldn't keep you?

Sometimes parents will give kids up for adoption for other reasons, like they are not yet ready for children, they do not have the financial means to raise a child, or as a way to protect the child of the family is abusive.

Yea you've met them. Id just forget about them now

It's easy to say and almost impossible to do, but do your best to try and forget them. That was a momentary encounter that has nothing to do with who you are as a person.