Thanks, I guess?

By LocallyBrewed - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I met my biological parents for the first time, 29 years into my life. They turned out to be two of the most pathetic people I have ever met, and the meeting ended after they asked me to lend them money because I "literally owe them my life." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 887
You deserved it 2 708

Same thing different taste


sounds like you were lucky to never meet them before. hopefully they didn't raise any other children.

Just know that they made at least one good decision, and that was putting you up for adoption. It's too bad but at least now you can move forward.

Ugh that's horrible I'm sorry OP. Just remember just because you have their DNA doesn't mean they have any right to have a place in your life.

nialls_girl 13

Blood family doesn't mean much.It is who jas been there for you and have not left. F them OP, they aren't worth your time.

Well aren't you glad you weren't raised by them now.

Sorry no compassion from me. You couldn't leave well enough alone and now look where your at.

So you wouldn't be curious if your own biological parents had given you up? I don't think OP knew that they would be asses. I honestly think he's at a better place now after finding out.

MzZombicidal 36

Wow, so because HIS birth parents gave him up, he should just accept that? You're an asshole. They had a choice to give him up, he didn't have a choice to stay or go. It's only natural that he want to know/attempt to know the people who brought him into this world, you douchebag.

Scorpio1691 29

Met my real Dad too at 22 years old. He was a pathological liar and alcoholic, who then preceded to stalk me to the point I had to change my number and unlist it (years ago)! Really made me appreciate my adoptive Father ❤️

joshali 5

some people do that so you hate them and go back to your adoptive parents. I personally know one case. They don't want to break the family and hearts. Some cases....I said some...