Thanks, I guess?

By LocallyBrewed - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I met my biological parents for the first time, 29 years into my life. They turned out to be two of the most pathetic people I have ever met, and the meeting ended after they asked me to lend them money because I "literally owe them my life." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 887
You deserved it 2 710

Same thing different taste


150493x 29

Absolute cheek asking for money. They are the ones that should be making up for all those years, not you.

rocker_chick23 27

I hope you told them you only give money to your real parents. Just because they created you, doesn't mean they are your real parents. Your real parents are the ones who raised you and took care of you.

I mean what did you expect. They gave you up for a reason. Some people just aren't meant to be parents. You should be content with the ones you have.

Just because they gave you up, doesn't mean they are all deadbeats. My birth mother is a wonderful person with a husband and three daughters. I was given up because she was in college and unmarried when she had me and she wanted me to have a whole and complete family and life. I'm sorry they weren't what you expected OP. I met my biological father for the first time about a year ago and he wasn't what I expected either. Just remember you have a wonderful family that loves you and chose you!

Not all parents give their kids up. People like these idiots probably had them removed from their custody.

And this is probably why they didn't raise you

This is why I'll be content living with my kidnappers lol

Sounds like you wound up the winner. They're still together?

hoosiergirl94 31

Parents are the people that raised you, not left you

Exhibit A in the case of why I've kept my adoption closed after 26 years and will continue to do so until they day I die. Not shaming your curiosity, but having seen some correspondence from my biological mother I already know I'm dodging a bullet. Sorry, OP.

tiggerdoc 14

And as an adopted child I have never heard a happy story from may take a month or so... But it goes south pretty quick

What are you talking about? No happy endings from closed adoptions? Who are you talking to?! I don't always get along with my adopted parents but I'm happier than I would have been with my birth mother.

I think 41 meant no happy stories from the adoptive child meeting the birth parents? I can see why in a lot of cases the birth parents end up being a disappointment. I think the adoptive child has had so many years to think about their birth parents and what they do and who they are, that it gets blown up to unrealistic proportions. Once the child meets the birth parents they can't live up to those huge, perfect expectations. I think that's why sometimes the meeting with the birth parents doesn't go so well. And then of course there are situations like op's where the parents never grew up and matured. I'm glad they have you up op, it looks like things could've been pretty bad if they didn't. But I'm sorry for you and how disappointing they were. At least you hopefully have an awesome adoptive family!

Not all happy but I can tell you having my big brother did me a lot of good growing up even tho my parents are crap. It may not only be parents you find.

Sadly this is more common then the Hollywood version of finding your birth parents and finding out they really wanted to keep you but couldn't because of x (usually too young) and/or they regretted giving you away. Usually it turns out more like this where they were or still are losers or deadbeats who realized they were unfit to be parents, or the state determined they were unfit to be parents.