Thanks, I guess?

By LocallyBrewed - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I met my biological parents for the first time, 29 years into my life. They turned out to be two of the most pathetic people I have ever met, and the meeting ended after they asked me to lend them money because I "literally owe them my life." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 887
You deserved it 2 710

Same thing different taste


Your true parents are the ones who raised you! I think it would be best to forget about your bio parents. No one needs dead beats like that in their life.

I heard the cost to raise a child is to around $300,000. Tell them you'll lend them money once they pay that.

The tables have turned! Now it's parents asking for money.

❤️ Apparently hearts being typed as "less than three" don't show up lol. So that last comment probably just looks really awkward....

Axelo 11

That's unfortunate, in my case my dad always hides whenever I'm in town, I haven't met my sisters and older brother... One hopefully I will.

I hope you get too I met my brother and sisters at 8 when he was 19 and looked my parents up. He is the best thing that came from that.

wow, they are asking a person who they just saw for money

You should've replied " Well, you owe me a childhood. "

tantanpanda 26

then end with "you disowned me, I disown you. It has been nice meeting you strangers."

Steve95401 49

Just because you share DNA with someone doesn't mean that they're family. Walk away and call it good.

I totally agree. Blood doesn't make a family; love does. I'm so sorry your birth parents are assholes OP, but on the other hand I am sooo glad you were not raised by them.

Forget them. They are not your family. Blood does not make family. I would give your adoptive family giant hugs next time you see them though. Good luck.

Well. this is one of those moments when my best friend who is also adopted would say, "That's why adoptive parents are better. They picked you. Biological parents were stuck with you. I'm highly desirable because I got picked." then would end that statement with the words "na na na boo boo stick your head in doodoo"

everton99 16

I read that last part in a Daniel Tosh voice.

Your best friend sounds awesome! I never understood why some kids feel unloved by their birth parents or like they don't belong. I just want to say to them, "Your adoptive parents literally chose you! They saw a bunch of other kids, saw you and saw something in you that was special and made you stand out, something they had to have in their family, that they couldn't live without. They chose to love you and treasure you, nothing was forced. How incredibly awesome is that!" I love that your best friend gets that!

Exactly. My friend's story is sad, but I will not post it to this comment. If you want to know what her story is, message me. But, whenever I would ask if she wanted to meet her birth parents she would say, "**** no. They don't deserve my awesomeness."

I believe you mean "some kids feel unloved by their birth parents" sorry that just confused me and wanted to help out anyone as, stupid as me