The poop delivery lady

By Why Me - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Indianapolis

Today, my neighbor finally decided that when she walks her dog, she should pick up his poop. She also decided to leave the poop-filled bags in my driveway. I confronted her about this and she claimed it's never happened. I've watched her multiple times from my front window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 280
You deserved it 2 834

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Record her and show her the recording

Put it on her front porch and light it on fire.


Record her doing it and then post the video publically :) Only THEN put it on her front porch

diving_fml 30
kellyem2 20

I'd take pictures and report her. In most cities failing to properly clean up after your animal is a ticket.

nattlecakes 19

Collect it and then set it on fire on her doorstep

NellieeNell 18

But why of all places on YOUR driveway. She obviously has a hidden hatred towards you. Sorry OP

Up until recently we had a black rottweiler named Monty who was very well trained and would only go to the bathroom down the side of our house (on the compost heap) where he was trained to go. Our neighbours would pick up all the dog poo on their and a few surrounding houses lawns and make a dog shit minefield on our driveway, because the dog responsible is black. Except there are about 15 black dogs on this street alone.