The truth

By xXxtwilightLUV95xXx - 08/03/2010 15:14 - United States

Today, I woke up to the most awkward breakfast of my life. Apparently, last night after taking my sleeping pill, I went into my mom's room and started spilling secrets left and right. Secrets about my current crush, the people I've hooked up with, and how when I say I'm going over to my friend Beth's house, I'm really seeing a guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 448
You deserved it 34 798

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wish I had taken a look at the username and learnt that OP is either 12 or at least at the mental level of a 12-year-old, before clicking FYL.


you deserve it. if you can't hold your ambien imagine what you're going to be like with liquor.

saywaturcoco 0

wow ur a naughty little b¡tch!!!! I want u for christmas in a huge box with only ribbons on u....anal is fun trust me! a just got a boner!

anastasia911 0

I am sorry baby. that's what mess do to me also =[

damnrosi 0

some mom's are not there for their kids like that. My mom isn't. She's great all the same, but we aren't connected on the normal mother daughter emotional level, we never had been and we probably never will be. The OP is probably like me and keeps the secrets not so much because she is ashamed or embarresed, but simply because her mother isn't really interested in that sort of stuff (just get good grades, look pretty, smile, and shut up:) that's my family's motto)

btw snickerdoodles? wat kind of name is that asshole?

mshafty 0

Yes!! because every teenager just loves talking to parents about their sex life, thats never awkward at all. Most parents don't want to hear about the time you got an birmingham booty call snickerdoodles!! As for the sleeping pills, well if she's taking them with a few shots of tequila every night, then she's got some problems. But if she is just taking them to sleep its not that uncommon.

perdix 29

I'd rather deal with my insomnia and keep my dirty, dirty laundry safely locked in the closet than take Ambien and leak info like a sieve.

YDI for having the username of xXxtwilightLUV95xXx........seriously?????

HermonieGranger 0

arg! Your fault for going behind your mother's back. and who the hell hooks up with someone but still love Twilight???????

I would have to remind you that your username is subject to scrutiny as well. Secondly I have hooked up with gals who are hooked on twilight.... they are an odd bunch.

Don't be a stranger Hermione Granger. She'd be a ***** for Dumbldore They go sleezy for Ronald Weezly

Monikabug 9

If she were hotter she could nail Potter.

I may be wrong, but is that a Failbooking reference?

You are correct. Although I read that months ago so some may end up being originals. Viktor Krum would put it in her bum. Severus Snape has to rape. She squeels for joy with Malfoy She uses lubricating oil with Crabb and Goyl. You can chow the muff in Hufflepuff.

Not quite sure why the mod on this one. Had some good ones too.