By Anonymous - 11/02/2013 15:26 - United States - Mansfield

Today, a girl came up to me on the street and said, "You have like no swag, bro." Feeling clever, I said, "At least I have a high school education." She then took out her work ID, showing me that she was a surgeon, flipped me off, then walked away saying, "This is totally going on Facebook." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 932
You deserved it 30 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Apparently 'swag' gets you through medical school..

Jacksparrow72 21

Wow, would you like ice for that burn?


erck3800 12
ardencred 7

I'm curious as to what kind of surgeon would use the words "swag" and "like" in the same sentence! Quack doctor

Giluh 19

I guess when you become successful, you have the right to become a total douche... I would never want to be her patient!

guyverzerox 6

You should have come out with "well damn I guess even idiots can make it in life every once in awhile" and slowly hope she isn't your surgeon one day.

So you would have kicked someone in the balls for answering back when you insult them? Wow, someone who has even less self-restraint then the woman in this FML.

How does someone who talks like an imbecile make it through med school? No way. No way in hell

Too bad you didn't remember her name on her ID... Maybe you could've seen what she said about you

I'm really hoping it was for a bet. That's really the only acceptable reason I can think of.

Well, someone's never performing surgery on me...