By Anonymous - 21/01/2013 12:48 - United States - Baltimore

Today, after applying for a job at a tanning salon, I was told they don't hire "naturally tan" people. I'm black. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 340
You deserved it 4 416

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would fight it, I don't think they can do that. But then again they sound really stupid. I don't know if you'd want to work for them anyways...


Is your lawyer naturally tan? What is the color of money?

Well yea, Op shouldn't have looked tan.. YDI for looking tan Op.. /Sarcasm..

if anything a person who cant tan would be a good candidate for working in a tanning salon. they wouldnt be giving away tanning time, and the customers wont see how stupid they would look until its too late

perdix 29

Weight Watchers doesn't hire fat people. I think a business may be within its rights to insist that their employees show the effectiveness of their product or service. Why would you want to work in a tanning salon anyways? Can't you find a job being a sweaty mascot stewing in its own filth? That would be a step up.

TheDrifter 23

Shore and clothing stores require employees to model their products at all times while working, so maybe they have a point, as OP is incapable of showing off the "joys" of spray tanning.

Businesses do have the right to pick and choose who they want to hire, even for superficial reasons. Unless those reasons include race, gender, creed, etc etc etc. In op's case, this is discrimination and is illegal.

#63 I have found documentation of several lawsuits against hooters: men suing for discrimination (which resulted in supporting positions such add bartender and busboy being open to men, but they still don't have to hire men as servers.) Asian people suing, even in one state where a girl almost lost her job for being slightly over their ideal size (ONLY because that state includes height and weight in discrimination laws, the federal laws do NOT) and after winning was given a free gym membership and 30 days to lose weight. I, however, have not found any documentation of a lawsuit for breast size. Can you provide some proof of said lawsuit? Because, honestly, bra size isn't one of the criteria that falls under discrimination so I'm finding it difficult to believe anyone would win a lawsuit for such reasons.

128 - I'm confused that you think refusing to hire someone for being small chested isn't discrimination. You don't choose the size of your breasts any more than you choose the your height or the color of your skin.

that is pretty sterotyipcal. And im sure there legally not Allowed to do that. In your case i would just give them a big **** you and be happy you dont work with them.

How about giving them a red tan...with your fists

I agree with Perdix, so what if they didn't hire you. Their loss. Not everything deserves a lawsuit. Hooters doesn't hire waiters, Japanese restaurants don't hire black chefs (I've never seen one), strip clubs dont hire the physically handicapped (too tough to get the chair up the pole), so the salon doesn't hire blacks. So what. They probably don't hire albinos either for a similar (but opposite) reason. Take your glowing personality and excellent skill set and go somewhere else. Again OP, their loss--not yours.

RedPillSucks 31

Asian restaurants will hire non-asians, usually to work in the back (cooks, bus boys, etc) There was a rare occasion where I was at an asian restaurant (Japanese) and a black person showed us to our table (not sure what you call the people who greet you up front and walk you to your table)